1 min read
Business Basics Session One- Defining your patient demographics
Welcome to Coffee Talk with Jill. I am Jill Allen the founder and owner of Jill Allen & Associates, the orthodontic consulting firm that specializes...
1 min read
Jill Allen : Sun, Jan 21, 2018 @ 03:10 PM
Orthodontic Software Solutions: In-house Server or Cloud-based System?
As a orthodontic startup or even as an established practice looking to transition into a new practice management system, you have probably found yourself in the midst of a technological debate. Should I purchase a practice management software that relies on an in-house server or a cloud-based program? If you, like many others, are toggling between these two options take a few minutes to read through the following comparison.
In-house Server Based Practice Management Systems
Cloud-based Practice Management Systems
Though there might not be a definitively better system, overall, I suggest considering the following variables; your computing system, your budget, and your practice’s specific needs. My advice to you is to ultimately ensure that whatever decision you make, it's not made in the heat of the moment. Don’t get swept up in the glamour of new features and functions and forget about the long-term commitment or big picture. Consider your teams advise. Many times your team members have worked in other systems and can provide real feedback regarding the functionality of that software. Remember, if you do your homework, the practice management system you choose-whether that is a server or cloud-based- will benefit your bottom line.
Jill Allen-Orthodontic Consultant
Owner of Jill Allen & Associates
1 min read
Welcome to Coffee Talk with Jill. I am Jill Allen the founder and owner of Jill Allen & Associates, the orthodontic consulting firm that specializes...
2 min read
In this episode of "Coffee Talk with Jill," Jill, the owner, and CEO of Jill Allen & Associates, will be talking about hiring! And more specifically,...
1 min read
Welcome to Coffee Talk with Jill. I am Jill Allen the founder and owner of Jill Allen & Associates, the orthodontic consulting firm that specializes...